
Thursday, April 7, 2011

Lace: Thrifted

Congratulations to Robin for winning the giveaway!  You can visit the blog that she and a couple of friends share at Without a Map.  I particularly enjoyed her humorous Snowpocalypse West post.

Now for more thift store adventures!  The two thrift stores I visited definitely did not have an abundance of lace clothing.  However, I did find this shirt by Charlotte Russe.  In light or dark tones, lace can add a spark to your wardrobe.

What items have you found in thrift stores that were worth adding to your closet?  Leave comments below!

Next post: Lace: Around Town
Previous post: Lace: Fashioned


  1. I generally have an aversion to all things lace, but this shirt is actually nice. Go Jen!
